How Stem Cell Treatment Can Help Burn Disorder Patients
Uncomplicate The Condition
Burn is a kind of injury affecting the skin and other organic tissue of the body mainly due to heat, radiation, and electricity. The kind of wounds by burns is characterized by severe skin damage due to death of the tissue cells. Burns are classified as first, the second and third degree depending upon the level of penetration and severity, where first degree burns are associated with minimum damage to the outer layer of skin and third-degree refers to the worst burns which cause damage to every layer of the skin. Burns is not a mere cosmetic issue and carry the risk of infection, this can even lead to organ loss due to sepsis or death. People with severe burn injuries may be left with the loss of physical abilities, loss of mobility, disfigurement, etc.
Available Treatment Options
The traditional method to treat burns may involve medications, wound dressings, physical therapy and surgery. The treatment is suggested on the basis of the severity of the wound. Severe burns may need skin grafts to cover large wounds. With stem cell technologies burns are treated by administering patients own plasma-rich platelets (PRP). The platelets play a pivotal role in the process of wound healing as they can secrete growth factors and cytokines enabling faster healing and regeneration of damaged cells.
For burns, PRP is isolated from the peripheral blood of the patients and injected around the wound or other targeted areas under the guidance of specialist to promote faster-wound healing. PRP is rich platelet concentrate, with the seven essential protein growth factors which can rapidly initiate a cascade of reactions for wound healing, leading to promote tissue repair and regeneration around the wound. Plasma-Rich Platelet Treatment at Nutech MediWorld not only helps heal the wound, but also improves the patient’s quality of life.
- Faster Healing
- Closed Ulcers
- Reduced Pigmentation
- Better Pain Management
Nutech MediWorld's Approach to Burn Disorder Treatment
Nutech MediWorld's Proprietary Technology For Burn Disorder Treatment
Patent Protected Reostem® Technology
We use SCT-N® and SCT-NX® products, based on a proprietary stem cell platform, ReoStem®. ReoStem® is a unique, replicable, clinical-stage technology platform for the generation of allogenic stem cells.
Universal Applicability
Nutech MediWorld’s regenerative medicine products are universally applicable: they do not require tissue-matching or the co-administration of immunosuppressive drugs.
Highest Standards Of Safety
There is absolutely no evidence of teratoma generation or tumorigenesis associated with SCT-N® or SCT-NX® use in over 17 years of clinical practice across thousands of patients.
Cell Scalability & Expansion
Unique cell culture methodology allows scalability of cell expansion and production.